Yoga Alliance 200 hour Teacher Training - Vinyasa
Course Introduction
Part 1 (75hrs)
Techniques, Training, Practice
1.1 Asana
Historical context Poses 式子介紹
Complete sequencing (asana, pranayama, meditation) to achieve particular effect safely
Shared anatomical and alignment principles plus contraindications 分享解剖學和正確體位以及禁忌症
1.2 Pranayama & Subtle Body 調息法與細微身
Effects of pranayama on anatomy and subtle body Complete sequencing of pranayama safely呼吸法對人體的正面影響及正確的運用呼吸方法
Pranayama Breathing Techniques and Practice 教授不同呼吸法的技巧及練習
Mula Bandha 會陰收束法(根鎖)
The Five Koshas 、The Five Kleshas 、Chakras、nadis、pranavayus 五層軀殼、擺脫痛苦的五個根源,七輪、三脈、五種重要的生命能量
1.3 Meditation 冥想
Meditation Method 冥想法
Mantras Chanting 唱聲
Mudras 手印身印契合法
Part 2 (30hrs)
Anatomy and Physiology
2.1 Anatomy and Biomechanics 解剖與生物力學
Skeletal System 骨骼系統
Major bones主要骨骼
Types Of Joints 關節類型
Major Muscles 主要肌肉
Types of contraction肌肉收縮類型
Roles of skeletal muscles during movement 骨骼肌在運動中的作用
Types of joint movement and stabilization 關節運動的類型及其穩定性
Major Muscles involved in asana瑜伽式子的肌肉運用
Common misalignment in yoga pose and Modification瑜伽姿勢中常見的錯位及更正
2.2 Physiology生理學
Nervous system 神經系統
Cardiovascular / Circulatory System心血管/循環系統
Endocrine system 內分泌系統
Digestive System 消化系統
Respiratory System 呼吸系統
Part 3 (30hrs)
Yoga Humanities
3.1 History歷史
Ancient Yoga History 古代瑜伽史
4 Paths to Yoga 瑜伽的4條路徑
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 帕坦加利的瑜伽經
The Eight Limbs 八肢瑜伽
Pattabhi Jois Teaching Pattabhi Jois教學
Classical Forms of yoga 古典瑜伽
Modern Forms of Yoga 現代瑜伽
3.2 Philosophy哲學
Definition of yoga and key terms 瑜伽關鍵思想
Relationship between asana, pranayama, meditation瑜伽式子、呼吸及冥想間的關係
Yoga Philosophy Text 瑜伽哲學文本
Self-reflection on how philosophy relates to practice 哲學與實踐的關係的自我反思
Yoga Philosophy Text 瑜伽哲學文本
3.3 Yoga Ethics 瑜伽道德
Yoga Sutras & Ethics 瑜伽經與道德
Yoga Alliance Ethical Commitment 全美瑜伽聯盟的道德承諾
3.4 Yoga History Timeline 瑜伽歷史時間表
Part 4 (50hrs)
Professional Essentials
4.1 Teaching Methodology 教學方法
Sequencing Pace Environment Cueing (verbal, visual, physical) Class management and safety課堂流程設計、節奏控制;課堂環境、設備及課堂管理;教學上要注意的安全守則
Yoga-related professional organizations, including the Yoga Alliance credentialing process 與瑜伽相關的專業組織,包括瑜伽聯盟認證程序
Ethical Commitment, including Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct and Equity Position Statement 道德承諾,包括業務範圍,行為守則和公平
General professionalism 專業精神
4.2 Professional Development 專業發展
Marketing and promotion Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing如何創立及營運一間瑜伽中心,教授如何成為專業瑜伽教練技巧 ,求職技巧,宣傳及營運技巧
Lifetime of learning and continuing education 持續進修的路徑
4.3 Practicum (Practice Teaching) 於中心現有的課堂以助教形式實習
The 12 Competencies 12項能力
Mentorship Programme 每位學員有一對一機會與導師討論
Part 5
筆試 30%
功課 20%
評核試 50%
出席率需滿80%及考試合格者 將獲發Yoga Alliance RYT 200國際認可証書
Course Fee
Original:$ 31,800
Early Bird:$ 28,800 (Before May 2, 2024)
Extra 5% of of Yoga Time membership
Payment Methods:
Payme – 9381 9998 (Kwok Y K)
FPS – 5422 5888 (Yoga Time Company Limited)
Bank Transfer – 456 826643 838 (Yoga Time Company Limited – HSBC)
Cash / Visa / Master /American Express
To Register, pls whatsApp : 5422 5888
Address:Flat 201, Elaine Court, No. 211 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok - Yoga Time
Prince Edward Station Exit A