Yoga Alliance 300 hour Teacher Training - Vinyasa
Course Introduction
Part 1 (123hrs)
Techniques, Training, Practice
This material shall foster an enhanced understanding and experience as compared to the content of RYS 200 or foundational Techniques, Training and Practice sessions. 與RYS200 相比,本課程應當加深理解和體驗
Communication Skills Demonstrations Observation 溝通技巧,示範及觀察
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga 阿斯湯加瑜伽
Principles of Yoga Practice 瑜伽練習原理
Opening Chant 開頭念誦
Surya Namaskra 拜日式
Fundamental Series 基礎系列
Primary Series 入門系列
Intermediate Series 進階系列
Back bending Series 後彎系列
Finishing Series 結束系列
Closing Series 結尾系列
Closing Chant 結束念誦
Part 2 (24hrs)
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy 解剖學
Introduction 簡介
Cell 細胞
Tissue 組織
Osseous System / Skeletal System The Muscular System 骨骼及肌肉體系
Physiology 生物學
The Cardiovascular System 心血管系統
Respiratory System 呼吸系統
Digestive System 消化系統
Nervous System Endocrine System 神經及內分泌系統
Reproductive System 生產系統
Part 3 (44hrs)
Yoga Humanities
Introduction of Yoga Origen 瑜伽起源
History Misunderstanding of Yoga 瑜伽歷史的誤解
Path of Yoga 瑜伽道路
Indian Philosophy:The Ramayana, The Mahabharata ,The Bhagvad Gita ,Hatha Yoga Pradeepika ,Ghirendya Shmhita 印度哲學
Ayurveda, Shatkrma, Pranayama, Mudra, Bhandha, Mauna, Bhakti Yoga Chanting, Mantra ,Yoga Chanting, Dhyana (Meditation) 阿育吠陀、潔淨、呼吸、鎖,寧靜、奉愛瑜伽念誦、瑜伽念誦、冥想
Energy Anatomy Physiology :Psychic Physiology of Yoga Chakra, Nadis 能量哲學
Pancha Tatava
Yoga Ethics 瑜伽道德
Ethics of Yoga
Ethics of Yoga Teacher 瑜伽導師道德
Ethics of Yoga Practitioner 瑜伽實踐者道德
Ethics of Yoga Business 瑜伽商業道德
Yoga Practitioner’s Life 瑜伽實踐者生活
Yoga Alliance 瑜伽聯盟
Part 4 (14hrs)
Professional Essentials
Teaching Methodology 教學方法
Communication Skills , Demonstrations Observation 溝通技巧,示範及觀察
Assisting and Correcting 協助及糾正
Yoga Spotting And Adjustment 瑜伽定位與調整
Yoga Time Management 時間管理
Class Plan 課堂編排
Self - Care and Personal Growth Teaching Styles 自我關懷及個人成長的教學風格
Qualities of a teacher 教學質素
Student Learning Process 學生學習進程
The individualized ,public class, yoga workshop, teacher training and group class method 個人、公眾、工作坊、教師培訓及小組課堂教學方法
Professional Development 專業發展
Marketing and promotion Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing 如何創立及營運一間瑜伽中心,教授如何成為專業瑜伽教練技巧 ,求職技巧,宣傳及營運技巧
Lifetime of learning and continuing education 持續進修的路徑
Practicum (Practice Teaching) 於中心現有的課堂以助教形式實習
The 12 Competencies 12項能力
Mentorship Programme 每位學員有一對一機會與導師討論
Part 5 (95Hrs)
Practicum and Exam
Practicum 實習
Practice teaching 實踐教學
Receiving and giving feedback接收和給予回饋
Observing others teaching.觀察他人教學
Assisting students while someone else is teaching.助教
Each trainee will spend a minimum of 5 Contact Hours actively practice teaching as the lead instructor. These hours may include the time during which the trainee is receiving feedback on his/her teaching. Time spent assisting, observing others teaching, or giving feedback to others is excluded from these hours.
**Evaluation or observation of yoga classes outside of the RYS Teacher Training constitutes Non-Contact Hours.
Exam 考試
Paper Exam 筆試 30%
Homework 功課 20%
Assessment 評核試 50%
Those who have an attendance rate of 80% and pass the exam will be issued a Yoga Alliance RYT 300 certificate
出席率需滿80%及考試合格者 將獲發Yoga Alliance RYT 200國際認可証書
Course Fee
Original price:$43,380
Early bird:$41,880 (Before Jul 27 2024)
Yoga time membership extra 5% off
Students who completed yoga retreat on May 11-15 can get a $3600 deduction and count as completed 40 training hours .
And students who completed Oct 9 - 13 yoga therapy retreat can get a $3600 deduction and count as 30 training hour of both Yoga Therapy Teacher Training hours and 300 hours Teacher Training hours .
Course Options:
Part A(Optional) : complete 100 hour of regular small advance group class or Yoga Retreat.
Part B: complete compulsory zoom class and lecture with 80% or above attendance Part C: Finish all the assistance class Part D: pass in the exam and daily performance *Yog Retreat May 11-15 count as 40 hours of this Yoga Teacher Training hour & coming Yoga Therapy Retreat Oct 9-13 count as 30 hrs of 300 hour Teacher Training Tourse and count as 30 hours of 100 Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course.
Payment Methods:
Payme – 9381 9998 (Kwok Y K)
FPS – 5422 5888 (Yoga Time Company Limited)
Bank Transfer – 456 826643 838 (Yoga Time Company Limited – HSBC)
Cash / Visa / Master /American Express
To Register, pls whatsApp : 5422 5888
Address:Flat 201, Elaine Court, No. 211 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok - Yoga Time
Prince Edward Station Exit A